Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Please see

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

health care + choice

Perhaps it is difficult for some to imagine that those with the equipment to gestate a child would like to be in a situation wherein they decide how to plan for their pursuit of happiness and proceed with their lives. It is an appropriate decision to provide those who are capable of gestation to determine freedom for themselves, and the government, our laws, and our health care systems are wise to support such freedom.

Like the meat, milk, and egg industry-wherein many have run behind the producers, tongues akimbo, awaiting the next ascendant, do we allow irrationality to make our decisions? Let's not.


I am very interested in promoting veganism, especially as I have been striving to be vegan for the past five years and am very happy with the blessing of results. My biggest tip: read vitamin, mineral, and lipid labels to know the names of nutrients, then if a craving comes it can be properly identified and mitigated with vegan sourced nourishments. I hope that one day we will all be satisfied vegans.
One day may we look back and say: the rights of the beings of Earth became ever more common and good as we learned more about each other, and ourselves. Laws played the part of paving the road, on which we tread toward the equitable, fair treatment of all. Agreements, like the Geneva Convention, pointed to the discrepancies in how we treated others, and gave us hope for paradigms that could adequately shelter life on Earth.
When one surveys the Geneva Convention with the question of whether animals are being treated in a way that is egregious we realize that animals are kept captive, against their will in a warfare against them. They are often fed in a manner that disempowers their ability to evolve to a nourishing, vegan lifestyle, thereby forced to participate and be in service toward a crime in which they are too often the prize.
Now that the ADA has shown that vegan lifestyle is appropriate for proper nutrition, what is the point of continuing to drag our feet, and appetites, toward what is inevitably a better choice mentally, physically, sexually, and ethically. Two-thousand+ years ago, when the Bible was being written to help humans understand their role in dominion and stewardship of animals perhaps the goodness of using animals for their flesh was overemphasized, especially as many of us now realize we can serve ourselves better, and more correctly with other forms of food. As the culture is filled with nourishment from the bodies of the exploited, and often made to feel dependent on those sources of nourishment, how do we deal with behavioral outcome?
Perhaps we could take a moment to wonder if some of the ills of society are paralleled in the business of livestock culture. What do we pay workers to do? What do we expect our animal companions to live through, their only reward a short time of victuals and then death in digressive servitude.
Are the animal liberationists, the sanctuary facilitators, the zoo keepers as the “humanitarian organization” (Article 11) of the Geneva Convention in this war on animals? Allowed to protect the “wounded, the sick, children under fifteen, expectant mothers and mothers of children under seven” (Article 14), perhaps this ledger could include those who are not called on to vote and those who are themselves neutral as vegan consumers.
There is much work to do if we are to end the war on animals and learn to live in harmony with them. Helping them learn to utilize a vegan diet seems right, as does enriching them with a culture where they might even learn to farm for the good of themselves and the environments they inhabit.
It is true that in the maintenance of our metabolisms, which we arguably all have in some form or another, we use and manipulate our environment, but how we choose to do that is a point of consideration. Animals for food may be an outdated practice, as are animals in experimentation, no longer convinced they have no bearing on our worldview, we must challenge the status quo and habituated practices to gain a better understanding of ourselves as a peaceful people, outside the confines of war.

End game for animals: what do we have in mind, stewards?
Agricultural farming: tending the land and watching over the vegetation.
Intellectual stimulation: exposure to language, arts, history, natural laws.
Athletic opportunities: game learning and freestyle movement space.
Responsibility acknowledgment: age appropriate breeding, care for youth and community.
There should be sanctuary spaces, zoo living, wild environments.
Nourishment should be gathered where appropriate, and supplemented for optimal health.
Humans will serve as guides, facilitators for food, shelter, resources, related information.
All will enjoy a vegan lifestyle in peace and harmony with the society.
All will negotiate for desired goods, services, opportunities, and responsibilities.

Nitrogen & Independence

Nitrogen, not carbon is the basis of my life on the Periodic Table of Elements... what about you?

You must have self-control and put yourself first in the production of peace.

You realize you can’t get off your path. And everywhere you go and went, you were the same you. Even as you learned and processed information, your continuous persona was developing. Even generations ago you were searching for peace, as a way toward defining your personality. Relax and take a deep breath.

Center yourself within, grounding the energy of the left side of your body to the energy of the right side of your body, exhibiting a balanced, peaceful demeanor. Your brain communicates with itself comfortably, left to right and right to left.

Analytical impulse and creative intellect are one. Your body, made of oxyriboneucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid, or ona/dna product, are independent of all that surrounds you. Consider all the materials that were ever you. In your mind’s eye, envision yourself, becoming more perfect.

See yourself as capable of a higher levels of communication, more articulate than you ever realized.

Register the fact that your independent ona/dna product is the best answer for you, it is your thought process, it is what sustains you, it has been yours for many generations, it has been yours forever.

Consider where your ontology began. What was the very first conscious idea you formed?
What words and names have you been learning over time? What is your favorite natal name? What are your favorite names of peace, and love, and nature? What defines you? What is your name now.

As you consider the energy made by your body, continue to envision the language your particular body makes. Listen to the you of peace, love, and nature, all the while staying grounded, self to self.

Inside, see a place of stability made of your peaceful thoughts, language, feelings, and emotions. Create a throne of stability for your knowledge to lounge in peace. Allow the joy of this peacefulness of self to permeate throughout your entire body. You must have self-control and put yourself first in the production of peace.

Notice the energy that you make, that metabolizes out of your body. See that private energy being lovingly offered to nourish cosmic bodies in a permission-giving-and-getting scenario. The ona/dna charged energy that exits you can be guided by you and your lineage in service of the environment. It is the most delightful present you are able to make, aside from your body, and it is also your ona/dna product: all these are products of peace.

Now, from the inside, gaze upon your clean, tight, vibrant, healthy body of wisdom and beauty. Take responsibility for yourself as an agent of peace. Imagine your place as an instigator of peace, love, and nature in your internal, as well as external, Worlds.

Ground yourself again, right to left and left to right. Be forever effort-ing toward self and that special throne of stability within. Fascia perfect all the membranes of self. It is your opportunity, inside self, to create peace and focus on self’s production of peace. Remember, you must have self-control and put yourself first in the production of peace.

Take a moment to rest.

When you are ready, turn your attention toward the group, and breath a sigh of peaceful contentment.

The all-knowingness. The completeness of perfection. The perfection that is a child’s dream of self.
Make it. Inside. Like only you are able. Eschew all commanders, comparitors, false predictors, and seek the true self.
Obey your parents, of course, for they dreamed you first, but heed the call for evolution and timely development.
Let us know the real you, let us realize the path you honed to arrive in this place, with us.
We, who have seen you grow, witnessed your ontology, subjectively wished for your fruition,
we who have only subjective prejudices, we do not know the look of your full blossom.
Bloom, you Flower and unfold your nature, the diagrams and paths your family bestowed to only you.
That piece that is alone, you. We’ve seen that bit, that you in there, that continuous persona building,
we’re glad you made it.
The case by case scenario has dictated that we approve of each fate, each trial and try in the effort to become.
Make it easy on us. Be the best you have to offer. As communication is imperfect, allow for the need to be patient,
give us some slack, your intellectual property is your own, you know.
Everything that did happen, everything that is happening, it’s written in your DNA product, your genes are informed,
but it is a personal read, it is a private practice. Be open to our wisdom, our predilections of promise, our rights.
Agency to do the best job, the most correct action, the deeds after which all happiness follows: let accuracy be your goal. Accurate to what?
Your family and community’s expectation, and your own design for truth, must be what you choose to seek,
so as not to waste the life given, and supported, and extolled.
We who are proud of your personification, the incarnation of your incantation, the little sounds and words,
colors and effects that create the particular you, we challenge your unique sense of style to become more than ever
dreamed possible, and call it “the real hologram of self” and “basic to life in the twenty-first century.”

You didn’t know me, per se. You didn’t know what I could become- untethered to the others.
You weren’t accustomed to my voice- you heard the sounds of the community echoing within me.
But I want it all back now- I want independence and a true existence, separate from the “others”.
Those not-me many, must make partition from my denace, leaving me to my self, up to my own resources and fully intact.
Will you know me then? Will we make peace? Will we finally find the words to communicate? Will we understand each other at all?
At least I predict I will be a satisfied member of the group, take me or leave me, the actual me, let me be free.

Arcane measures lead me to the reality of you. Inside I search and I dig for meanings, finding only myself and my own experiences as guides. What I sense, always through my particular filters, leaves me wanting more input, more specific references, more personal attachments. To you. Is it a figment, I imagine, you? Or are you real, tangible... I reach out to feel your electric mass, moving at a different rate and for different reasons than I. I am comforted by your apparent wholeness, your constructed constant. You lead me to sure belief in the existence of other gods and goddesses, of other places and permissions. You. Unique. You. Mysterious. You. Forever an internally manufactured detail of the world outside myself. I love you, conditionally, but forever, right now.

It’s your job to evolve it. So if you’re not satisfied, or if you can’t quite do the job right, it’s your own fault if you don’t look for and get help. We’re all looking to you to fix the problem, so acknowledge it and let’s us move on. Your family is depending on you, community is placing bets, you must come through, alternately, we will have to do without. And what a pity that would be, to be forced to abandon the hope that we will improve, make real our goals, find the secrets of perfection that we deserve. Don’t let yourself down, don’t devolve when we’re all pulling for you to be the cog that turns our wheel of generative genesis. Behave better than we expect, make real our growth.

Tell me the truth of your existence.
Tell me about your specific experience.
But don’t expect me to understand.
Don’t think I’ll know what you meant.
Tell me anyway, for the joy of expression.
Tell me, to give me a peek at your combination.
Tell me so I can live in a reality with you there.
Tell me so you can be closer to known.
Testify, say the magic words, they’re free.

gathering mass to be there, to exist, for love.
to have a place to be, a secure dwelling to be used, willingly.
making the aggregate, interstitialated with desire for
meaning, multi-functionality, purpose.
the main, a growing function: mind to evolution, mind to becoming.
perhaps i’ll see you there, in that place, when we are collected unto our selves
and holding the mass that will engineer our futures.
perhaps I will know you by your dna style, your familial print.
perhaps you will know me by the look in my eyes,
the look of watching you collect your sacred intents
into an ordered world, unique to your need for perfection.
delight me with your care, honor me with your detail,
create that random minutia of delicate specificity:
the best your family had to offer; the best that you, in them, imagined.
let even those quiet places work,
those areas so enigmatic and cool, or centric-bright-hot,
those molten places concerned with stability,
and the hyper-exchanging places that make you w/hole,
complete in your own view.
how I long for y/our flawlessness,
to know the real you
and see you manifest
everything you intended for y/ourself.

Some of us called it “the lovely land.”
While others of us said it was “the enemy’s path.”
“We have to go, we have to take this road to where ever it leads.”
“You might be lost to us, when will that road ever lead back home?”
“Even if it never leads me back, I must on my journey be.”
“Too cruel, our souls rent, pulled to fray.”
“For you, I will carry you in my heart, you will be my stitch in time.” Now here, I’m ‘American,’ have’n taken the Beauty path away from you , and do your eyes recognize me still when upon me they fall? I know beauty before me, beauty to the sides, above and below, beauty within, and beauty behind me, as I left you there. For I am still your little one, grown up in America, the path away has led me back to you, with technologies for us to share. We’ll celebrate our differences, even as we unite. Will you take my hand, that one that you so gently let go of that I might learn to travel alone, and join me in this manufacture of a promised land?